Talent Meeting May 25th from 6-9pm,
“We’re doing things a little differently this year,” says Events Chairman, Laura McManus. “In the past, we have had bands perform. This year, we are focusing more on the talented people of West Haven .”
This year’s Family Arts Night Showcase will also feature art from local schools. Flyers went out to the schools this week asking for essays, drawings and art in any media. Grades K-6 are asked to draw a picture of their school while grades 7-12 can draw or take a photo of a West Haven landscape. We will also be featuring art from local adult artists. If you are interested in having your art displayed that night, please e-mail WHGTalent@gmail.com with your name, contact information and information about your artwork. We would love to have you!
The West Haven Council on the Arts is a coalition of citizens dedicated to reviving art, cultural events and tourism in our community. Our mission is to strengthen and promote the arts in West Haven by nurturing an appreciation of and participation in artistic endeavors in all media. Through the conversion of The Masonic Temple on Center Street into the West Haven Cultural Arts Center , we intend to provide a forum for local, regional and national artists to display their talents.
For more information about this event, or to make a donation, please contact the West Haven Council on the Arts at artswh@aol.com, through our blog at http://whcac.blogspot.com or by calling Event Coordinator Laura McManus at (203) 507-4593.